Saturday, April 28, 2012

College is what you make it.

Royce Hall, UCLA

I'm so excited!

High school seniors are starting to send in their SIRs {statements of intent to register} and we oldsters, who are several grade-generations above the choosing-a-college madness, are just learning via Facebook who is going where next year.

So far, I know at least two girls from our high school {congrats, Grace & Anna!} are coming to join Michaela and I at UCLA and I couldn't be more thrilled-- they're both amazingly awesome and I adore them to pieces, so getting the chance to see them start college is really exciting.

I guess I've always wondered, how did you guys decide on a college after receiving your offers? And if you could go back and choose again, would you stick with your choice?

Personally, I think my decision was based mostly on the fact that I knew that UCLA had a great Communications program, it's far enough away from home to let me be somewhat independent without being completely disconnected with my parents, and my cousin, whom I admire like crazy, went here and graduated with a Comm degree.

Process of elimination was key in finalizing where I wanted to go though-- and don't take the following observations personally because these were just my thoughts as I was in the midst of making a decision back then:

+ Not UC Irvine because when we visited the campus, it really felt like our high school on a larger scale. Lots of Asians. And I was afraid that I would coast instead of really challenging myself and pushing my boundaries. I felt too comfortable.

+ Not UC Davis because... well, actually, just because. {That's literally how far I thought that through as a senior in high school}. Thinking back, it could have also had something to do with the fact that I wasn't interested in any of the majors Davis specializes in {you know, cows & agriculture}.

+ Either UCSD or UCLA. Because I knew awesome people who graduated from either university and really liked the feel of both their campuses and reputations.

After visiting all the SoCal UCs over spring break senior year with the parentals, the choice was a lot easier. Something about walking onto a campus and simultaneously getting a sense of rightness and calm and excitement should hint to you that you're probably in the right spot.

If I had a chance to choose again, I'm pretty sure I'd pick UCLA every time. Mayhaps consider a different major, but not a different school entirely. As crazy as it can get and as tiring as it is walking uphill both ways to class and dorms/apartments, I wouldn't choose to give it up. I love it.

I think what's most important to remember, though, for all the people who aren't getting the chance to go to their first choice school is that college is what you make it. And that may sound cheesy, but it's completely true. You're the one who decides whether or not to join clubs and organizations in order to get involved. You're the one who decides whether or not to strike up a conversation with a random stranger in class who just might end up being one of your closest friends in college. You're the one who decides to go to office hours so that you can better understand the concept from lecture and thus do better on the test. College is all you, so don't worry if you have no clear preference for which one you want to attend or are having to go to one that wasn't even in your top three choices, but due to the reduction in number of acceptances that are going out, is suddenly your only option.

You will be fine.

We believe in you.


Sidenote: Yes! First post, done! No awkwardness, right? Mission accomplished. Welcome to We Are The Bestest and we're so glad you're visiting us! Enjoy!

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