
{is there anything better than bunnies with moustaches? i think not}

I'm Samantha, a third year Communications/Psychology double major at UCLA.

I love my majors because they're all about people. And people are fascinating. I strike up conversations with random strangers all the time-- especially in the elevator. Awkwardness is a part of life, but it doesn't always have to be.

I'm usually pretty random and my brain often whirls faster than I can write down the ideas it generates. This leads to a lot of crinkled eyebrows as I try to remember whatever it was that I needed to remember. That's why I keep a notebook of lists! Lists are my friend-- I've got lists for EVERYTHING. It's probably how I'm surviving college right now...

Other things that keep me afloat at college? Spending half my awake hours at Mickeyla's apartment {they feed me!}, Trader Joe's, Grace on Campus {Christian fellowship}, podcasts, online lecture slides, comfy tennis shoes, creating a weekly and monthly schedule for myself and making sure that it's updated ALL THE TIME, multiple choice midterms/finals, non-cumulative tests, black Papermate pens, my camera, crazy friends, hermitting during testing season {read: no study parties for this one}, all-nighters, sheer willpower, Fanfiction, Hulu, Pandora, Google.

Not necessarily in that order.
Fanfiction is only for testing season and Hulu for when I'm procrastinating.

Procrastination is a big thing around here. While I have heard of people who get things done way ahead of time, I've never been one of those people. Crazy kids. I try, really I do, but then when I sit down to work on something waaay before it's due... nope. Unfortunately, coffee doesn't work on me {boba doesn't either}, so it's sheer willpower that gets me through that night before a paper is due.

I just started apartmenting this year and let me tell you. It's nice to have a kitchen and not have to go out for sustenance {like swiping in the dorms}, but I've since learned that the kitchen is not my natural habitat. Or rather, in college, you don't actually have enough time to pull off culinary experimentation. {That might just be me-- I know for a fact that Michaela and Deborah can and do cook}. Sadness. Something I need to work on.

Other miscellaneous about me:
I tend to be camera shy, but love being the one taking the pictures.
I've had a variety of pets, from quail to guinea pigs to garter snakes, but currently just have a border collie {my fuzzbutt Zoe} whom I adore.
I'm an only child.
I'm not super Asian, but I do know how to use chopsticks properly and I do like getting A's... *grins*
I'm the only one out of the four of us who doesn't have contacts.
I'd love to travel around the world, especially Europe and places where they won't look at me disapprovingly if I speak English.
I'd be up for living in any major city in the USA and probably a few of the notsolarge ones as well.
If I could get a job post-college that (1) I love and (2) is creative, I'd be a happy one.
I'm a fan of pretty things. And clever ones.
I read basically everything in front of me. Can't help it. Lifelong bookworm.
I adore these other three kiddies. They really are the bestest. <3
If you want an even more random glimpse into this college kid's life, you can find me over at Paper Lantern Lane!


Feel free to send us an email if you have a specific question or a request for a topic! Or if you just want to say hi-- that's exciting, too! Like I said, I talk to random strangers {my mother never taught me not to, but none have yet tried to kidnap me, so I think we're okay on that front}.

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