
[ridiculously pretentious photo]
Hey there!

I'm Steven--Christian, bibliophile, audiophile, singer and aspiring guitarist, hopeless romantic, and third-year mechanical engineer at UC San Diego.

So here're the unique perspectives I hope to contribute:

1. I am the only guy on this blag. And as fun as it is to read about elaborate baking recipes and nerdy/intricate sewing projects and remodeling tips*, it can also be discouraging to me as a guy when I look at my burned spaghetti, hole-y clothes, and spartan room layout. I'll talk about the guy's perspective on things, and hopefully the men will be able to relate while the girls will be able to laugh (or cry).

2. Two of the other writers here live in the land of eternal smog, and one lives on the East Coast [shudder]. I, however, am going to college in the land of sun and ocean breezes. I'll be writing about the quirks of San Diego occasionally.

3. While we're all avid readers here, I think I'm the one with the most time to read, and I enjoy writing reviews and analyses of books. Granted, most things I read are either sci-fi/fantasy or theology, but I'll do what I can. And if you have any book suggestions, send them to me! I read everything, really.

4. Again, we're all musically-inclined here, but I think I'm the most vocal about the music I listen to. I'm always on the lookout for new music, so if I find something, I'll post. My favorites are Christian music, video game soundtracks, movie soundtracks, and the occasional indie-rock-pop-things.

5. Nerdery and geekery are also my realms of choice--I'm a sci-fi/fantasy/science/gamer nerd and a denizen of the Internets. Deborah and Michaela will also probably nerd out too.

6. I believe I'm the first one out of us to be dating (unless there's something you're hiding from me!), so I'll write a little about that, maybe. Don't want to embarrass the girl in question.

7. I'm a Christian. We all are, and we'll all be able to write about the things we're learning, hopefully. I hope this blog can be not just about fun and weirdisms, but also a source of encouragement and a place to discuss serious matters (at least sometimes).

All right! I think that's about it. See you on the blog.


* Not that that's all these girls post about--quite the contrary--but they do write about these things on occasion, and as a guy it leaves me feeling head-scratchy when they do.